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What is Sleep Apnoea and what is it caused by?Sleep Apnoea is a common sleep disorder which is characterized by abnormally low breathing or lengthy paused breathing during sleep. It is caused by a partial or complete collapse of the upper airways.
What does OSA Stand for?OSA stands for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. The term OSA may be used by Clinicians, doctors or specialists when referring to Sleep Apnoea.
What Does Sleep Apnoea Fatigue feel like?Sleep apnoea fatigue makes you a lot more tire than usual daytime sleepiness. After a good night’s sleep, you still wake up feeling unrefreshed tired, and have no energy to sufficiently carry out normal daily tasks.
What happens if Sleep Apnoea is left Untreated?Untreated sleep apnoea has been linked to various health disorders including cardiovascular disease, heart attack or aneurysms, and early onset dementia. If left untreated, the likelihood of developing one of these health problems increases. It may also increase your risk or death.
Is there a Cure for Sleep Apnoea?While there is no known cure for sleep apnoea, there are treatments that will make your sleep apnoea less intense. Lifestyle changes such as weight lose can help, but the most effective way to treat sleep apnoea is by using PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) treatment.
What is involved in a Sleep Study?Our Sleep Study is a overnight study which is performed at your own home. When we receive a referral from a GP or Specialist, we will give you a call and make an appointment. At this appointment we will show you how the Sleep Study is to be setup on yourself. You will take this home, set it back up on yourself for the night, and the next day, take if off and drop it back to our clinic. For more information on the Sleep Study, please go to this page:
How Long does it take for my results to come back from my Sleep Test?The results from a sleep test can vary from a week to around a month. If your study needs to be repeated, the results will be sent after a successful test. All sleep tests are downloaded when they are brought back to our clinic, sent to a Polysomnographic Scorer for preliminary results, then sent on to a Sleep and Respiratory Specialist for the final report.
Does Sleep Apnoea make you gain weight?Sleep Apnoea can contribute to weight gain. While you are sleeping, the hormone levels that monitor your hunger levels become regulated. If you are not getting quality sleep, these hormones will make you feel like you are starving. Feeling fatigued may also increase your likelihood of reaching for a sugary snack or caffeinated beverage, to try and wake you up and give you energy.
Does Diabetes have anything to do with Sleep Apnoea?Untreated sleep apnoea deprives the body of oxygen, which negatively effects the glucose levels and insulin resistance. When there is not enough insulin in your body, extra glucose stays in the bloodstream, rather than entering your cells, which eventually leads to Type 2 Diabetes.
What is the Difference between Central Apnoea's and Obstructive Apnoea's?Central Apnoea occur when the brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control your breathing whereas an Obstructive Apnoea is the physical blockage of the airways.
How long does it take to see Results with CPAP?Everyone is different when it comes to feeling results, some feel the benefits a night after using it, whereas it may take others a few weeks for their body to adjust and experience any change.
Can I take my Sleep Machine Travelling?Definitely! Every sleep machine we have are TSA (Transport Security Administration) Approved. This means they can be taken on any form of transportation without any issues. Sleep Machines can be taken as carry on luggage or can be checked in. You can also look at Hiring or Buying a smaller travel CPAP machine. Just remember, if you are using humidification with your machine, you will need to empty the water prior to travelling.
How often should I use my CPAP Machine?A CPAP Machine should be used every night. If you skip a night of using the machine, it is likely that you will feel drowsy and unrefreshed in the morning. If you do have Sleep Apnoea, your airways are getting obstructed, either partially or fully, and your body is being deprived of oxygen, so if you go to long without your machine, it will have a long-lasting negative impact on your health.
Will PAP Treatment stop my snoring?Snoring is the sound which occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing it to vibrate as your breathe. PAP treatment delivers a consistent airway pressure, which keeps the soft tissue from relaxing, and holds the airways open. This is the most effective way to cease snoring.
Can I use CPAP with Oxygen?Yes, CPAP can be used with Oxygen. You can either get an oxygen tubing, which has a small port for the oxygen to run into or you can get a connector which connects the oxygen tubing, and the CPAP tubing to both machines.
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